Working women

Working women

What jobs did women in Seyðisfjörður do in the years 1880-1920? The years 1880-1920 marked a period of significant change in Iceland. The traditional rural society, where most of the population lived in rural areas, began to break down as people moved to newly...

The museum’s business plan

The museum’s business plan

After the natural disasters, the museum is at a major turning point, and there are many complex and challenging tasks ahead. Both need to ensure the development of the new museum, as well as to ensure that the operation of the museum will be sustainable after the...


Hafnargata 44, 710 Seyðisfjörður, Ísland/Iceland

Hafa samband/Contact

+354 4721696


Frjáls framlög/Donations

Kt. 440203-2560, Account:0133-15-000450

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