Technical Museum
Opening hours
15 May – 30 June: Mondays – Saturdays, 13 – 17
July 1 – August 31: Every day from 10 – 17
September 1 – 15: Mondays – Saturdays, 13 – 17
Winter: By agreement:
Entrance fee
Adults: ISK 1,500.
Children: Free for 12 and under
Pensioners and students: ISK 1,000.
Working women
What jobs did women in Seyðisfjörður do in the years 1880-1920? The years 1880-1920 marked a period of significant change in Iceland. The traditional rural society, where most of the population lived in rural areas, began to break down as people moved to newly...
Búðareyri – stories of transformation
Búðareyri is sometimes referred to as the cradle of technology and settlement in Seyðisfjörður. Nevertheless, the future of economic activities and residency there is uncertain due to further landslide hazards. Búðareyrin has been called cradle technology and built...
Grants for exhibitions and educational projects
It was announced yesterday that the museum will receive two grants from the Eastern Development Fund in 2024. On the one hand, for an exhibition in the outdoor gallery in Lónsleiru, which will be opened in connection with the women's and gender history conference...
Seyðisfjörður is calling! When modern technology took hold
A documentary that discusses the history of several companies and institutions connected to the Technical Museum of East Iceland, Seyðisfjörður’s rolling mill, Austfjörður’s shipyard and the telephone station. Five people who worked at these places are interviewed and they describe their lives and work. At the same time, they provide an insight into extremely important aspects of the history of Seyðisfjörður in the last century. The film was made by dr. Sigríður Matthíasdóttir, Jón Pálsson and Sandra Ólafsdóttir for the Museum of Technology in 2020.
Hafnargata 44, 710 Seyðisfjörður, Iceland

Voluntary donations/Donations
Id. 440203-2560, Account:0133-15-000450
Foreign donations: IBAN: IS950133 1500 0450 4402 0325 60