Ministers visit Seyðisfjörður

Ministers had a chat with the resident of Seyðisfjörður about the events of the previous days that were received unevenly. The police had intel that Katrín Jakobsdóttir, prime minister, received threats and she was led away from the ferry house out to the coast guard ship Týr. Policework shone light on that there would not be any reason for further actions and therefore the case was closed.

Jonathan Moto Bisagni, owner of Austurlands Food-Coop, was the one that supposedly threatened her but he believes that more actions could have prevented the destruction caused by the landslides because avalanche defences have been discussed at length in resident meetings as well as in reports. “they were playing Russian roulette with our lives and blame the weather,” says Jonathan and wants the government to take responsibility for the events. More residents wonder if something could have been done to react better, Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir felt it weird that the town was not evacuated sooner. She thinks that it is important that these events will be looked further into as well as learned from.

Sylvía Hall and Berghildur Erla Bernharðsdóttir. (2020, December 20th). Ministers visit Seyðisfjörður on Tuesday (is. Ráðherrar heimsækja Seyðisfjörð á þriðjudag).. Visir. Retrieved by:

Óttar Kolbeinsson Proppé. (2020, December 22nd). Investigate threats against Katrín (is. Rannsaka hótanir gegn Katrínu).. Fréttablaðið. Retrieved from:

Lovísa Arnardóttir. (2020, December 22nd). “They played Russian roulette with our lives and blame the weather” (is. „Þau spiluðu rúss-neska rúllettu með líf okkar og kenna veðrinu um“). Fréttablaðið. Retrieved by:

Ágúst Borgþór Sverrisson. (2020, December 22nd). Hanna says that it was good to speak with Katrín prime minister – “I think it’s odd that the town was not evacuated sooner” (is. Hönnu fannst gott að ræða við Katrínu forsætisráðherra – „Mér finnst skrýtið að ekki hafi verið rýmt fyrr“). DV. Downloaded by: