Townspeople fear what is coming next

Guðrún Ásta Tryggvadóttir resident in Botnahlíð is among the people that had been worried about the possible risk of landslides. According to the answers that she has received they say that there is an extraordinarily little chance of landslides and for that to happen, the rain would have to be a catastrophic and the chances of that happening would perhaps be one in every hundred years or so. “This is apparently year number one hundred,” said Guðrún and she also criticised work procedures. She herself got the news that the landslide fell on some houses from her co-workers, but the authorities did not have any answers until two hours after the landslide fell, even though they got the information that everybody would be informed. Because of that she wished for the local government to hold a meeting whit the residents of Seyðisfjörður and when immediate danger had passed, where work procedures would be checked. Björn Ingimarsson, mayor at Múlaþing, said that they would learn from the events from the last few days and he also said that everybody involved had done a really wonderful job.

Viðar Guðjónsson. (2020, December 17th). Has had to pump water out of his house ten times (is. Hefur dælt tíu sinnum úr húsinu sínu). Retrieved from:

Samúel Karl Ólason and Sunna Karen Sigurþórsdóttir. (2020, December 17th). Unity in Seyðisfjörður (is. Samheldni á Seyðisfirði). Vísir. Retrieved from:

Hallgerður Kolbrún E. Jónsdóttir and Sunna Karen Sigurþórsdóttir. (2020, December 17th). Believes that work procedures regarding landslides need to be reassessed (is. Telur að skoða þurfi verkferla í tengslum við skriðuföll). Vísir. Retrieved from: