The response party, the Icelandic Meteorological Office and local administration have a meeting

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (is. Almannavarnir). (2020, December 20th). Emergency phase in Seyðisfjörður and danger phase in Eskifjörður still active, along with evacuation protocol Áfram neyðarstig á Seyðisfirði og hættustig á Eskifirði með rýmingum. Retrieved from:

Anna Lilja Þórisdóttir. (2020, December 20th). The police and specialists assess the situation in East Iceland (is. Lögregla og sérfræðingar meta stöðuna á Austurlandi). Rúv. Retrieved from:

Viðar Guðjónsson. (2020, December 18th). Further landslides are an imminent threat (is. Ógn stafar af frekari skriðuföllum). Morgunblaðið, 4..