„The swing is the only thing that is left […] I saw some little kid playing on the swing the other day and I thought it was quite friendly”

Haraldur Björn Halldórsson is one of the people that lost their homes. “The swing is the only thing that is left and I am just waiting for someone to come and make it disappear. It would not coma as a surprise to me if people thought that it was dangerous. I saw some little kid playing on the swing the other day and I thought it was quite amicable. But I still think that it hasn’t really sunk in yet. Outsiders do not necessarily connect the sight of some swing to the fact that there used to be a house there. It is a beautiful memoir and perhaps it could be cast in bronze, if it would disappear that is.”

Vigdís Hlíf Sigurðardóttir interviews Haraldur Björn Halldórsson on July 18th 2021. In the custody of the guarantor of the project.