The East Iceland search and rescue team attends to salvaging valuables for the Technical Museum

Members of the search and rescue team sorted the Technical Museum’s items from the wreckage in the landslide. Nearly 5o tubs have been filled with the museum’s items, which were in various conditions. “The small items are kept in the top floor of the building. Salvaging those is a priority. So when we’re further down, we are further down the landslide as well. Down there, everything is ruined,” says Baldur Pálsson search and rescue team member. Wetness and snow did get through to some of the items, but there are various whole items though. “We will work through it with small steps. It’s a little bit like gnawing your way through a corn cob,” says Kjartan Benediktsson, director of operations in the area.

Hólmfríður Dagný Friðjónsdóttir. (2020, December 29th). “Many whole and fragile objects sorted from the landslide” (is. „Margt heillegt og annað viðkvæmt“ tínt úr skriðunni). RUV. Retrieved from: