Everything has gone smooth at the Red Cross mass remedial station in Egilsstaðir

Margrét Dögg Guðgeirsdóttir Hjarðar says that everything has gone smoothly. “This morning was a bit quiet and then there was lunch at half past twelve. At that time there were a number of people here and overall there have always been some people around.” People meet up to eat together and have coffee. She says that the situation is sinking in with people. “there are some people who need to find another accommodation. Find something more suitable and we are working on that. We will continue to have an open house here for as long as operations control want us to,“ says Margrét Dögg and adds: “Here is coffee, nourishment, and supper tonight. People can come here and get an interview for mental support or ordered an interview through the number 1717.”

Lovísa Arnardóttir. (2020, December 19th). Everything has gone smoothly in the mass remedial station in Egilsstaðir (is. Vel hefur gengið í fjöldahjálparstöð á Egilsstöðum). Fréttablaðið. Retrieved from: https://www.frettabladid.is/frettir/vel-hefur-gengid-ifjoldahjalparstod-a-egilsstodum/.