“I went there as a member of the search and rescue team and we found the safe. I was the one to find it because I knew where in the house it had been kept”

“There were extremely strict rules about what we could do and what we could not. I was quite pleased with that. The search and rescue team does also have a strict security plan. All of us has whistles and we had a good overview. People were doing this in a secure way. We had a rescue ship that the rescue team Gerpir owns and is called Glæsir [like the ghost from Sandvík]. It was at that time when I found the cabinet. I contact the on-location control and say that I have found a very precious object, if we shouldn’t salvage it. It is quite memorable and also says so much about all the chaos. They says, yes ok, if you think that you are safe. It did not take us a long time to get it out, but then we asked what should we do with it? Just put it in Angró they said. But we were there with a group of carpenters that were closing Angró because the landslide had blasted one side of the building, so there was quite the risk of another landslide. We did not contact the onlocation control again, just took the cabinet and put it out in the rescue ship.”

Vigdís Hlíf Sigurðardóttir interviews Baldur Pálsson on July 19th 2021. In the custody of the guarantor of the project.