A small mistake will cost him his life

Elvar Már Kjartansson hears a rumble and figures out that it comes from a falling landslide from the mountainside above him. Everything starts to whirl where he is working in Skipasmíðastöðin so he decides to hasten outside. He knows that he is not allowed to make any mistakes because that might lose him his life. Elvar knows that the landslide is on his left side so he runs in the opposite direction. The noise is so much and he can’t properly see what is happening elsewhere than he is located himself. When he has run for cover, he looks back and sees how the landslide snatches a few houses and shatters one of the corners of the Technical Museum where he had been working. He is rather convinced that this is no ordinary landslide.

Hólmfríður Dagný Friðjónsdóttir. (Host). (2021). The mountain is in charge (is. Fjallið ræður). [Radio show]. Rúv. April 1st . Retrieved from: https://www.ruv.is/utvarp/spila/fjallid-raedur/31467