“And with the wind comes the anxiety Outside is the pitch-black blizzard And the mountain screams and then the whole side tumbles And the houses vanish into the drift”

Davíð Kristinsson, vice-chairman at Ísólfur rescue team, says that the destruction after the landslide is inexpressible. “It is something that you must see. So much of our beautiful town has disappeared. But it is like with all other places, it will flourish again. The landslide will soon be covered in grass, it will turn green and we will continue. The project is big, but we will manage it together. It will take a long time and it will be a massive task but we’ll finish it.”

Some lines from the song “With the wind comes the anxiety” by Bubbi Morthens come to his mind.

And with the wind comes the anxiety outside is the pitch-black blizzard. And the mountain screams and then the whole side tumbles And the houses vanish into the drift.

“When you listen to the song and understand the lyrics, that’s the feeling I had – when the mountain came tumbling down.”

Freyr Gígja Gunnarsson. (2020, December 20th). Says that no words can describe the destruction in Seyðisfjörður (is. Segir orð ekki geta lýst eyðileggingunni á Seyðisfirði). Rúv. Retrieved from: https://www.ruv.is/frett/2020/12/20/segir-ord-ekki-geta-lysteydileggingunni-a-seydisfirdi.