Electricity is back up again in most parts of the town

The electricity went off in a substantial portion of town yesterday, but now it is mostly back up. Míla’s equipment house is still without electricity and is among the buildings that are powered by reserve capacity, which is supposed to last until Monday evening. Arrangements will be made to ensure that it will continue to run even if there are any delays in getting the electricity back up. There was no damage in Míla’s equipment house in Seyðisfjörður, even though mudslides did cause a lot of damage in the fjord. They are working at pumping water out of the building to hinder dampness in the house and the equipment there.

Reserve capacity to last until Monday evening (is. Varaafl dugar fram á mánudagskvöld). (2020, December 19th). Mbl.is. Retrieved from: https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2020/12/19/varaafl_dugar_fram_a_manudagskvold/. 

Gunnar Gunnarsson. (2020, December 19th). The look of Seyðisfjörður today – Photographs (is. Svona er á Seyðisfirði í dag – Myndir). Austurfrétt. Retrieved from: https://www.austurfrett.is/frettir/svona-er-a-seydhisfirdhi-i-dag-myndir.